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Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria –
Diocese of St. Catharines
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish Community online

Pope Francis' Prayer Intention

9 am- 12 pm
1 pm- 4 pm

Diocese of St. Catharines
Synod 2021 - 2023 Consultation Summary Report
Synod on Synodality
National Synthesis for Canada (2022)
Document for the Continental Stage

Donations to the Cathedral
Contributions to the Cathedral may be made by auto e-transfers from your bank. Our email is:
No security question/answer is required.
Please note that this is for your offertory contribution. The Wheel of Catherine, and SVDP have separate accounts.

Most Reverend
Gerard P. Bergie, D.D., J.C.L.
Bishop of the Diocese of St. Catharines
Most Rev. Gerard Bergie

My dear friends,
I welcome you to the website of The Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria. It is my hope and prayer that the information provided will assist you in learning more about our beautiful Cathedral and in joining us in our Masses and devotional life.
St. Catherine of Alexandria pray for us.
Message from the Rector - Father Ben Weber
Welcome to our Cathedral Website!
Here you will find all current and historical information about our beautiful Cathedral. I am grateful for the work that has been put into this website and hope you find it informative and helpful.
God bless you!
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